This document expresses the commitments and responsibilities of ethics in the business management and of the undertaken activities, the Code of Ethics represents the fundamental point for the implementation of the regulations in the legislative decree of 8 June 2001, n.231 and s.m.i., other observed indications are the Guidelines issued by the Confederation of Italian Industries according to the aforementioned legislative decree of 8 June 2001, n. 231 and s.m.i.
The Code of Ethics is extended to all the employees, consultants, suppliers, customers and to all those who have business collaboration; it is taken into consideration the fact to start or not, the business collaboration for those who do not intend to comply with this principle.
Thanks to its own ability, competence and independence and respect for the fundamental principles of equity, honesty and common sense, which are the heart of philosophy and values with which we have worked, Weikom has gained over the years a position in its own operative field. All the business relations with the customers, partners, competitors, suppliers and colleagues have always been based on these values. This document is obviously not meant to address every instance in which we are called to operate, but wants to remind everyone the necessity to comply with the ethical principles in the daily management of their own work. Weikom believes that honesty, sincerity and loyalty are necessary to build up adequate and long-lasting business relations. All the aspects of our work are based on the highest levels of ethical standards.
The operative field respects all the laws and the current regulations of the countries where it operates, in conformity with the established principles in the Code of Ethics. The moral integrity and the respect of the values mentioned here above are a constant obligation to all those who have a business collaboration with Weikom and this characterise the behaviour of the entire organisation.
The activities put in place over the years have focused in satisfying and safeguarding its own customers by listening to the demands that can lead to improvement in the quality of the products and services. Particular attention is directed to the policies of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and is coherent with this objective, for this reason, the business relations have to be characterised with maximum honesty, transparency and cooperation, in full compliance with the laws, regulations and their institutional functions. Any illegal action of economical nature or otherwise is strictly prohibited. Even personal gifts or favoured treatments which are of explicit or implicit nature to obtain business in change of gifts or preferential treatments are never admitted. The principles thus expressed are extended also to employees and/or contractors, subcontractors, consultants, vendors, suppliers, competitors or customers. Gifts and promotional items can be given to customers if the normal courtesy behaviour is not exceeded and in any case they must be of moderate value, always in compliance with the laws; this should not have to be interpreted as a search of favours.
The operative field till today has always given particular attention regarding the respecting its own duties related to health and safety of the workers according to what is stated in articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 of the legislative decree n. 81/2008. Moreover Weikom has promoted the attention towards the colleagues for the respect of the principle duties regarding health and safety standards according to what is stated in Article 20 of the legislative decree n. 81/2008.