The experience placed at the service of the customers comes from over 10 years of activity carried out mainly in the field of the aluminium alloys, particularly in the construction and sale of silos on behalf of Alkom Aluminium.
It is within this important entity that significant supplies are made in the national and international market both directly and through engineering corporations with productive and ongoing partnership in the internal and foreign market. At the customers’ request in 2004, the products portfolio was expanded to include the production of stainless steel silos and tanks where important projects are carried out. Other important products are constructed with aluminium alloys of difficult manufacturing, in particular alloys of 3000 series, and alloy 7000 etc., with thickness up to 50 mm.
Since 2009, the collaboration extends itself also to corporations that operate in the design and construction of devices for the oil&gas market where the special materials and the thicknesses become particularly significant. Hence heat exchangers, pressurised tanks, columns, skid, structures in light, normal and heavy metallic carpentry, are manufactured.
Other experiences have been made in the renewable energy with the installation of photovoltaic systems of small and large coverage and on ground and the production of hopper in stainless steel and in aluminium for the food and industrial sectors.